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Writer's pictureCasper Andersen

Essential visual studio code keyboard shortcuts

I made a quick overview of the most essential visual studio code keyboard shortcuts It is part of my series of productivity enhancement keyboard shortcuts for productivity software.

visual studio code keyboard shortcuts

Visual studio code keyboard shortcuts pdf

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  • Open Command Palette: Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Shift + P (Mac)

  • Open Settings: Ctrl + , (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + , (Mac)

  • Open File: Ctrl + O (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + O (Mac)

  • Save File: Ctrl + S (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + S (Mac)

  • Save All Files: Ctrl + K, S (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Option + S (Mac)

  • Close File: Ctrl + W (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + W (Mac)

  • Close All Files: Ctrl + K, W (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + K, W (Mac)

  • Toggle Full-Screen Mode: F11 (Windows/Linux) / Ctrl + Cmd + F (Mac)


  • Cut Line: Ctrl + X (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + X (Mac)

  • Copy Line: Ctrl + C (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + C (Mac)

  • Paste: Ctrl + V (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + V (Mac)

  • Undo: Ctrl + Z (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Z (Mac)

  • Redo: Ctrl + Y (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Shift + Z (Mac)

  • Delete Line: Ctrl + Shift + K (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Shift + K (Mac)

  • Duplicate Line: Shift + Alt + Down Arrow (Windows/Linux) / Shift + Option + Down Arrow (Mac)

  • Move Line Up/Down: Alt + Up/Down Arrow (Windows/Linux) / Option + Up/Down Arrow (Mac)

  • Go to Line: Ctrl + G (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + G (Mac)


  • Select All: Ctrl + A (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + A (Mac)

  • Expand Selection: Shift + Alt + Right (Windows/Linux) / Shift + Option + Right (Mac)

  • Shrink Selection: Shift + Alt + Left (Windows/Linux) / Shift + Option + Left (Mac)

  • Select Next Match: Ctrl + D (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + D (Mac)

  • Select All Occurrences: Ctrl + Shift + L (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Shift + L (Mac)

  • Column Selection (Box Selection): Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Arrow (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Option + Shift + Arrow (Mac)


  • Go to File: Ctrl + P (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + P (Mac)

  • Go to Symbol in File: Ctrl + Shift + O (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Shift + O (Mac)

  • Go to Definition: F12 (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + F12 (Mac)

  • Go to References: Shift + F12 (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Option + F12 (Mac)

  • Navigate Back: Alt + Left Arrow (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + [ (Mac)

  • Navigate Forward: Alt + Right Arrow (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + ] (Mac)


  • Find: Ctrl + F (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + F (Mac)

  • Find Next: F3 (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + G (Mac)

  • Find Previous: Shift + F3 (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Shift + G (Mac)

  • Replace: Ctrl + H (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + H (Mac)

  • Find in Files: Ctrl + Shift + F (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Shift + F (Mac)

  • Replace in Files: Ctrl + Shift + H (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Shift + H (Mac)


  • Start Debugging: F5 (Windows/Linux & Mac)

  • Stop Debugging: Shift + F5 (Windows/Linux & Mac)

  • Step Over: F10 (Windows/Linux & Mac)

  • Step Into: F11 (Windows/Linux & Mac)

  • Step Out: Shift + F11 (Windows/Linux & Mac)

Integrated Terminal

  • Toggle Terminal: Ctrl + `` (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + `` (Mac)

  • Create New Terminal: Ctrl + Shift + `` (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Shift + `` (Mac)

  • Focus Terminal: Ctrl + 1 (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + 1 (Mac)

Source Control

  • Open Source Control View: Ctrl + Shift + G (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Shift + G (Mac)

  • Commit Changes: Ctrl + Enter (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Enter (Mac)

Mini review Logitech MX Keys S Wireless Keyboard the best keyboard I ever owned here.

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