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Writer's pictureCasper Andersen

Essential pycharm keyboard shortcuts

I made a quick overview of the most essential pycharm keyboard shortcuts It is part of my series of productivity enhancement keyboard shortcuts for productivity software.

Essential pycharm keyboard shortcuts

Pycharm keyboard shortcuts pdf

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  • Open File: Ctrl + O (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + O (Mac)

  • Open Recent File: Ctrl + E (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + E (Mac)

  • Save All: Ctrl + S (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + S (Mac)

  • Close Current Tab: Ctrl + F4 (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + W (Mac)

  • Navigate to Class: Ctrl + N (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + N (Mac)

  • Navigate to File: Ctrl + Shift + N (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Shift + O (Mac)

Code Editing

  • Copy Line: Ctrl + D (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + D (Mac)

  • Duplicate Line: Ctrl + Shift + D (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + D (Mac)

  • Delete Line: Ctrl + Y (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Backspace (Mac)

  • Move Line Up/Down: Shift + Alt + Up/Down (Windows/Linux) / Shift + Option + Up/Down (Mac)

  • Comment Line: Ctrl + / (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + / (Mac)

  • Comment Block: Ctrl + Shift + / (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Option + / (Mac)

  • Format Code: Ctrl + Alt + L (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Option + L (Mac)

  • Rename: Shift + F6 (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Shift + R (Mac)

  • Optimize Imports: Ctrl + Alt + O (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Option + O (Mac)


  • Go to Line: Ctrl + G (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + L (Mac)

  • Navigate Back: Ctrl + Alt + Left (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Option + Left (Mac)

  • Navigate Forward: Ctrl + Alt + Right (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Option + Right (Mac)

  • Search Everywhere: Shift + Shift (Windows/Linux & Mac)


  • Find: Ctrl + F (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + F (Mac)

  • Replace: Ctrl + R (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + R (Mac)

  • Find in Files: Ctrl + Shift + F (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Shift + F (Mac)

  • Replace in Files: Ctrl + Shift + R (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Shift + R (Mac)

Run and Debug

  • Run: Shift + F10 (Windows/Linux) / Ctrl + R (Mac)

  • Debug: Shift + F9 (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + D (Mac)

  • Step Over: F8 (Windows/Linux) / F8 (Mac)

  • Step Into: F7 (Windows/Linux) / F7 (Mac)

  • Step Out: Shift + F8 (Windows/Linux) / Shift + F8 (Mac)

  • Stop: Ctrl + F2 (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + F2 (Mac)


  • Extract Method: Ctrl + Alt + M (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Option + M (Mac)

  • Extract Variable: Ctrl + Alt + V (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Option + V (Mac)

  • Extract Field: Ctrl + Alt + F (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Option + F (Mac)

Version Control

  • Commit Changes: Ctrl + K (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + K (Mac)

  • Update Project: Ctrl + T (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + T (Mac)

  • Push to Remote: Ctrl + Shift + K (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Shift + K (Mac)


  • Toggle Terminal: Alt + F12 (Windows/Linux) / Option + F12 (Mac)

  • Open Project Structure: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + Option + Shift + S (Mac)

  • Show Recent Files: Ctrl + E (Windows/Linux) / Cmd + E (Mac)

Mini review Logitech MX Keys S Wireless Keyboard the best keyboard I ever owned here.

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