I made a quick overview of the most essential Word keyboard shortcuts It is part of my series of productivity enhancement keyboard shortcuts for productivity software. They work on both windows and mac.

Word keyboard shortcuts pdf
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General Shortcuts:
New Document: Ctrl/⌘ + N
Open Document: Ctrl/⌘ + O
Save Document: Ctrl/⌘ + S
Save As: F12 / Cmd + Shift + S
Print: Ctrl/⌘ + P
Undo: Ctrl/⌘ + Z
Redo: Ctrl/⌘ + Y (Windows) / Cmd + Shift + Z (Mac)
Cut: Ctrl/⌘ + X
Copy: Ctrl/⌘ + C
Paste: Ctrl/⌘ + V
Select All: Ctrl/⌘ + A
Find: Ctrl/⌘ + F
Replace: Ctrl/⌘ + H
Formatting Shortcuts:
Bold: Ctrl/⌘ + B
Italic: Ctrl/⌘ + I
Underline: Ctrl/⌘ + U
Strikethrough: Ctrl + D then Alt + K / Cmd + Shift + X
Superscript: Ctrl + Shift + = / Cmd + Shift + +
Subscript: Ctrl + = / Cmd + =
Increase Font Size: Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + >
Decrease Font Size: Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + <
Change Case (Toggle): Shift + F3 / Shift + Cmd + K
Text and Paragraph Editing:
Align Left: Ctrl/⌘ + L
Align Center: Ctrl/⌘ + E
Align Right: Ctrl/⌘ + R
Justify: Ctrl/⌘ + J
Increase Indent: Ctrl/⌘ + M
Decrease Indent: Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + M
Bullet List: Ctrl + Shift + L / Cmd + Shift + L
Line Break (Soft Return): Shift + Enter
Page Break: Ctrl/⌘ + Enter
Insert Hyperlink: Ctrl/⌘ + K
Navigating the Document:
Move to Start of Line: Home / Cmd + Left Arrow
Move to End of Line: End / Cmd + Right Arrow
Move to Start of Document: Ctrl + Home / Cmd + Home
Move to End of Document: Ctrl + End / Cmd + End
Move One Word Left/Right: Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow / Option + Left/Right Arrow
Move One Paragraph Up/Down: Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow / Option + Up/Down Arrow
Scroll Up/Down One Screen: Page Up/Page Down / Fn + Up/Down Arrow
Selection Shortcuts:
Select Word: Double-click word
Select Line: Shift + Left/Right Arrow
Select Paragraph: Triple-click paragraph
Select to Start of Line: Shift + Home / Shift + Cmd + Left Arrow
Select to End of Line: Shift + End / Shift + Cmd + Right Arrow
Select to Start of Document: Ctrl + Shift + Home / Cmd + Shift + Home
Select to End of Document: Ctrl + Shift + End / Cmd + Shift + End
Select All Text: Ctrl/⌘ + A
Move to Next Cell: Tab
Move to Previous Cell: Shift + Tab
Add New Row at End of Table: Tab (in last cell)
Select Column: Alt + Shift + Arrow Keys / Cmd + Shift + Arrow Keys
Select Row: Shift + Arrow Keys
Viewing and Reviewing:
Zoom In: Ctrl + Alt + Plus (+) / Cmd + Option + Plus (+)
Zoom Out: Ctrl + Alt + Minus (-) / Cmd + Option + Minus (-)
Switch to Print Layout View: Ctrl + Alt + P / Cmd + Option + P
Open Spelling and Grammar Check: F7 / Cmd + Option + L
Insert Comment: Ctrl + Alt + M / Cmd + Option + A
Mini review Logitech MX Keys S Wireless Keyboard the best keyboard I ever owned here.