I made a quick overview of the most essential Pages keyboard shortcuts It is part of my series of productivity enhancement keyboard shortcuts for productivity software.

Pages keyboard shortcuts pdf
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General Shortcuts
New Document: Cmd + N
Open Document: Cmd + O
Save Document: Cmd + S
Save As: Cmd + Shift + S
Close Document: Cmd + W
Print Document: Cmd + P
Undo: Cmd + Z
Redo: Cmd + Shift + Z
Cut: Cmd + X
Copy: Cmd + C
Paste: Cmd + V
Select All: Cmd + A
Find: Cmd + F
Replace: Cmd + Shift + H
Duplicate Document: Cmd + D
Text Formatting
Bold Text: Cmd + B
Italic Text: Cmd + I
Underline Text: Cmd + U
Strikethrough Text: Cmd + Shift + X
Increase Font Size: Cmd + +
Decrease Font Size: Cmd + -
Align Left: Cmd + Shift + L
Align Center: Cmd + Shift + C
Align Right: Cmd + Shift + R
Justify Text: Cmd + Shift + J
Toggle Ruler: Cmd + R
Paragraph and Style Formatting
Increase Indent: Cmd + Right Bracket (])
Decrease Indent: Cmd + Left Bracket ([)
Line Spacing: Cmd + Option + S
Show/Hide Styles Sidebar: Cmd + Option + T
Apply Body Style: Cmd + Option + 0
Apply Heading 1 Style: Cmd + Option + 1
Apply Heading 2 Style: Cmd + Option + 2
Document Navigation
Go to Beginning of Document: Cmd + Up Arrow
Go to End of Document: Cmd + Down Arrow
Page Up: Fn + Up Arrow
Page Down: Fn + Down Arrow
Working with Pages and Sections
Insert Page Break: Cmd + Enter
Insert Section Break: Cmd + Shift + Enter
Next Page: Cmd + Page Down
Previous Page: Cmd + Page Up
Working with Objects
Insert Text Box: Cmd + Option + T
Insert Shape: Cmd + Option + S
Bring Forward: Cmd + Option + F
Send Backward: Cmd + Option + B
Bring to Front: Cmd + Shift + Option + F
Send to Back: Cmd + Shift + Option + B
Lock Object: Cmd + L
Unlock Object: Cmd + Option + L
View and Zoom
Zoom In: Cmd + +
Zoom Out: Cmd + -
Fit to Window: Cmd + 0
Full-Screen Mode: Ctrl + Cmd + F
Show/Hide Sidebar: Cmd + Option + S
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