I made a quick overview of the most essential microsoft edge keyboard shortcuts. Hope it speed up you surfing :)

Microsoft edge keyboard shortcuts pdf
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Basic Navigation
Open a new window: Ctrl + N
Open a new tab: Ctrl + T
Close the current tab: Ctrl + W
Reopen the last closed tab: Ctrl + Shift + T
Switch between tabs: Ctrl + Tab (forward), Ctrl + Shift + Tab (backward)
Go to a specific tab: Ctrl + 1 to 8 (for tabs 1-8), Ctrl + 9 (last tab)
Go to home page: Alt + Home
Page Actions
Refresh the page: F5 or Ctrl + R
Stop loading the page: Esc
Scroll down the page: Spacebar
Scroll up the page: Shift + Spacebar
Go back: Alt + Left Arrow
Go forward: Alt + Right Arrow
Full screen: F11
Open Find on page: Ctrl + F
Bookmarks and History
Open bookmarks: Ctrl + Shift + O
Add bookmark: Ctrl + D
View browsing history: Ctrl + H
Tab and Window Management
Open new InPrivate window: Ctrl + Shift + N
Close current window: Ctrl + Shift + W
Open recently closed window: Ctrl + Shift + T
Zoom and Text Size
Zoom in: Ctrl + +
Zoom out: Ctrl + -
Reset zoom: Ctrl + 0
Other Useful Shortcuts
Open Developer Tools: F12
Open Downloads: Ctrl + J
Open Settings: Alt + F (then navigate with arrow keys)
Mini review Logitech MX Keys S Wireless Keyboard the best keyboard I ever owned here.