Essential Maya keyboard shortcuts. I made this map of need to know Essential Maya keyboard shortcuts. It is part of my series of productivity enhancement keyboard shortcuts for creative software.

Essential Maya keyboard shortcuts pdf
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Navigation and Viewports
Orbit View: Alt + Middle Mouse Button
Pan: Middle Mouse Button
Zoom: Scroll Wheel or Ctrl + Alt + Middle Mouse Button
Zoom Extents: Z
Maximize Viewport: Alt + W
Switch between Perspective and Orthographic view: P (Perspective) / U (User view) / T (Top view)
Object Manipulation
Select Object: Q
Move: W
Rotate: E
Scale: R
Select and Move: Shift + W
Select and Rotate: Shift + E
Select and Scale: Shift + R
Snap Toggle: S
Angle Snap Toggle: A
Modeling and Modifiers
Extrude: Shift + E
Bevel: Shift + B
Connect Edges: Shift + C
Attach Objects: Ctrl + Shift + A
Collapse: Ctrl + X
Editable Poly Mode: Ctrl + E
Edge Constraints: Shift + X
Scene Management
Clone Object: Ctrl + V
Group: Ctrl + G
Ungroup: Ctrl + U
Hide Selection: Alt + H
Unhide All: Alt + U
Freeze Selection: Alt + F
Unfreeze All: Alt + Shift + F
View and Display Controls
Shade Selected Faces: F2
Edged Faces Toggle: F4
Show/Hide Grid: G
Show Statistics (FPS and Polygon count): 7
Show Safe Frames: Shift + F
Render: F9
Render Setup: F10
Quick Render (active viewport): Shift + Q
Animation Controls
Auto Key Toggle: N
Set Key Toggle: K
Play Animation: / (forward) / Alt + / (reverse)
Go to Start: Home
Go to End: End
Time Slider: Alt + Right Arrow (advance) / Alt + Left Arrow (reverse)
File and Edit
Undo: Ctrl + Z
Redo: Ctrl + Y
Save: Ctrl + S
Open: Ctrl + O
Close Scene: Alt + F4
Mini review Logitech MX Keys S Wireless Keyboard the best keyboard I ever owned here.