I made a quick overview of the most essential lightroom keyboard shortcuts. It is part of my series of productivity enhancement keyboard shortcuts for creative software. They work on both windows and mac.

Lightroom keyboard shortcuts pdf
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General Shortcuts:
Import Photos: Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + I
Export Photos: Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + E
Open Preferences: Ctrl/⌘ + , (Comma)
Full-Screen Mode: F
Toggle Lights Out: L (once for dim, twice for black)
Loupe View: E
Grid View: G
Compare View: C
Survey View: N
Toggle Side Panels: Tab
Toggle Module Picker: Shift + Tab
Library Module:
Toggle Grid and Loupe View: G (Grid), E (Loupe)
Select All Photos: Ctrl/⌘ + A
Deselect All Photos: Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + A
Flag Photo as Picked: P
Unflag Photo: U
Flag Photo as Rejected: X
Star Rating: 1-5
Apply Color Label: 6-9 (6: Red, 7: Yellow, 8: Green, 9: Blue)
Quick Collection: B
Increase/Decrease Grid Thumbnail Size: = (Increase), - (Decrease)
Develop Module:
Switch to Develop Module: D
Crop Tool: R
Spot Removal Tool: Q
Adjustment Brush Tool: K
Graduated Filter Tool: M
Radial Filter Tool: Shift + M
Reset to Default Settings: Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + R
Before and After View: Y
Solo Mode (collapse all other panels): Alt/Option + click panel
Zoom In/Out: Z
Toggle Clipping Warnings: J
Toggle Between Original and Edited Photo: ** (Backslash)
Auto Tone: Ctrl/⌘ + U
Auto White Balance: Shift + Ctrl/⌘ + U
Basic Editing Adjustments:
Increase Exposure: Ctrl/⌘ + ]
Decrease Exposure: Ctrl/⌘ + [
Increase Contrast: Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + ]
Decrease Contrast: Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + [
Increase Highlights: Alt/Option + Shift + ]
Decrease Highlights: Alt/Option + Shift + [
Increase Shadows: Shift + ]
Decrease Shadows: Shift + [
Increase Whites: Ctrl/⌘ + Alt/Option + ]
Decrease Whites: Ctrl/⌘ + Alt/Option + [
Increase Blacks: Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + Alt/Option + ]
Decrease Blacks: Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + Alt/Option + [
Viewing and Navigation:
Toggle Full-Screen Preview: F
Toggle Between Fit and Fill View: Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + F
Show/Hide Info Overlay: I
Zoom In: Z
Zoom Out: Z (same key to toggle)
Go to Previous Photo: Left Arrow
Go to Next Photo: Right Arrow
Show Clipping: J
Sync Settings: Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + S
Copy Settings: Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + C
Paste Settings: Ctrl/⌘ + Shift + V
Show/Hide Filmstrip: F6
Show/Hide Left Panel: F7
Show/Hide Right Panel: F8
Show/Hide Top Module Picker: F5
Mini review Logitech MX Keys S Wireless Keyboard the best keyboard I ever owned here.