I made a quick overview of the most essential Autocad keyboard shortcuts. It is part of my series of productivity enhancement keyboard shortcuts for productivity software.
Essential Autocad keyboard shortcuts pdf
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Basic File Commands
New Drawing: Ctrl + N
Open Drawing: Ctrl + O
Save Drawing: Ctrl + S
Print/Plot: Ctrl + P
Close Drawing: Ctrl + W
Exit AutoCAD: Ctrl + Q
Navigation and View Control
Zoom Extents: Z + E
Zoom Window: Z + W
Zoom Previous: Z + P
Pan: Middle Mouse Button (press and hold) or P
Orbit: Shift + Middle Mouse Button
Drawing Commands
Line: L
Polyline: PL
Rectangle: REC
Circle: C
Arc: A
Ellipse: EL
Spline: SPL
Hatch: H
Text (Single Line): DT
Text (Multiline): MT
Modify Commands
Move: M
Copy: CO
Rotate: RO
Scale: SC
Trim: TR
Extend: EX
Offset: O
Mirror: MI
Fillet: F
Chamfer: CHA
Array: AR
Object Selection
Select All: Ctrl + A
Deselect All: Esc
Quick Select: QSELECT
Dimension: D
Linear Dimension: DIMLIN
Aligned Dimension: DIMALIGNED
Angular Dimension: DIMANGULAR
Leader: LE
Layer Management
Layer Properties Manager: LA
Turn Layer On/Off: LAYON / LAYOFF
Freeze Layer: LAYFRZ
Lock/Unlock Layer: LAYLOCK / LAYUNLOCK
Display and Visualization
Grid Toggle: F7
Snap Mode Toggle: F9
Ortho Mode Toggle: F8
Polar Tracking Toggle: F10
Object Snap Toggle: F3
3D Orbit: 3DO
Editing and Selection Tools
Undo: Ctrl + Z
Redo: Ctrl + Y
Erase: E
Explode: X
Match Properties: MA
Measure Distance: DIST
Area Calculation: AREA
List Properties: LI
ID Point Coordinates: ID
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