I made a quick overview of the most essential Affinity Publisher shortcuts. It is part of my series of productivity enhancement keyboard shortcuts for creative software. They work on both windows and mac.
Affinity Publisher shortcuts pdf
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General Shortcuts
New Document: Ctrl + N (Windows) or Cmd + N (Mac)
Open Document: Ctrl + O (Windows) or Cmd + O (Mac)
Save Document: Ctrl + S (Windows) or Cmd + S (Mac)
Undo: Ctrl + Z (Windows) or Cmd + Z (Mac)
Redo: Ctrl + Shift + Z (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + Z (Mac)
Copy: Ctrl + C (Windows) or Cmd + C (Mac)
Paste: Ctrl + V (Windows) or Cmd + V (Mac)
Export: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S (Windows) or Cmd + Option + Shift + S (Mac)
Tool Selection
Move Tool: V
Text Frame Tool: T
Rectangle Tool: M
Picture Frame Rectangle Tool: F
Zoom Tool: Z
Hand Tool: H
Zoom In: Ctrl + + (Windows) or Cmd + + (Mac)
Zoom Out: Ctrl + - (Windows) or Cmd + - (Mac)
Fit to Screen: Ctrl + 0 (Windows) or Cmd + 0 (Mac)
Actual Size: Ctrl + 1 (Windows) or Cmd + 1 (Mac)
Pan (Hand Tool): Spacebar
Text Editing
Insert Frame Text: T
Insert Artistic Text: Shift + T
Select All Text: Ctrl + A (Windows) or Cmd + A (Mac)
Text Align Left: Ctrl + L (Windows) or Cmd + L (Mac)
Text Align Center: Ctrl + E (Windows) or Cmd + E (Mac)
Text Align Right: Ctrl + R (Windows) or Cmd + R (Mac)
Text Justify: Ctrl + J (Windows) or Cmd + J (Mac)
Document Management
New Page: Ctrl + Shift + N (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + N (Mac)
Insert Pages: Ctrl + Alt + I (Windows) or Cmd + Option + I (Mac)
Delete Pages: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + I (Windows) or Cmd + Option + Shift + I (Mac)
Master Pages: Ctrl + M (Windows) or Cmd + M (Mac)